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Practice Transitions

Your patients. Your legacy.
Our trusted help.

Since 1998, the Dental Cooperative has been the choice transition partner for our members at the fraction of the cost of traditional brokers. As an experienced and honest advisor, trust the Cooperative with the next phase of your career.


Our Transition Programs:


For just 3% of the price of the sale, Cooperative members receive a practice evaluation, legal and accounting paperwork, associate placement, financing, and more. Simple, honest, effective, and leaves you with more for retirement after the sale than traditional brokers.


Take the uncertainty out of a transition. A great option for dentists with an uncertain timetable for retirement. We establish a predetermined practice value, locked in before you even decide to retire. When the time is right, you make the call and the Cooperative moves into action to transition your practice.

Recommended for You:

*The Dental Cooperative is not a licensed law or accounting firm, but partners with licensed attorneys and accountants for any legal, tax, or accounting needs.