Your own patients.
Your own program.
No PPO’s here. Enhance your ability to retain active, revive inactive, and attract new fee-for-service patients. Create your own MyHappyMouth program with easy tools and infrastructure provided by the Dental Cooperative. Customize an offering, a fee schedule, the cost, marketing message, and marketing pieces. MyHappyMouth makes it easy to track patient registration and visits, and even provides qualified patients with automated health savings tools so they can budget for their dental needs.

MyHappyMouth is:
- An alternative to dental insurance.
- Customizable for your practice.
- Simple to create and administer.
- Available for active, inactive, and potential patients.
- Stocked with beautiful marketing materials.
- Able to track patient usage.
- Connected to health savings tools.
- Networked with specialists offering discounts.
- Adaptable to charge or offer for free.